Monday, August 22, 2011

Dealing With The Devil

The Financial Times has published an article by the Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haas titled, "Libya Now Needs Boots on the Ground," in which he indicates that the Libyan rebels are incapable of rebuilding Libya and will need an "international force" to uphold order. Haas readily admits that the NATO intrusion to "protect civilians" was indeed NATO and the United States securing their own economic and strategic interests by bringing about regime change. Waving the banner of “human rights” - the most hypocritical and deceitful of all justifications for imperialist war - the United States, along with NATO have embraced this action against Libya as democracy but have actually used it as a cloak for their predatory interests.

During civil war humanitarian concerns are last on the list of objectives. Consequently, it was deceitful for the United States, NATO, France, England, Italy, and Germany, to foster armed rebellion to conceive civil war in order to facilitate the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi and create regime change. NATO has not spent the last five months conducting airstrikes on Libya to "protect civilians" with the anticipation of turning around and going home. The initial uprising was provided for in Washington and London where opposition leaders were given resources and a safe-haven to conduct their subversion. NATO and its members intend to rebuild Libya by; taking away the universal health care, free education and monthly stipend each Libyan was receiving, in order to make a profit for themselves at the expense of the Libyan people. 

Haas also explains that NATO's "success” are what require this international assistance in the form of an occupation force to deal with rioting, Gadhafi supporters, inter-tribal conflict. Haas also beseeches President Obama to rethink his decision not to put troops on the ground in Libya. What we are witnessing is a crumbling empire seeking to hold on to power by expanding its reach by colonizing another independent nation.  The American government has been lying since its inception, lying so that it may acquire other peoples land, wealth, and resources; this is no different. 

So what’s next? As soon as the Libyan rebels secure Libya one of two things will happen: either the rebels will be codified into a puppet regime or if they are unwilling to acquiesce to NATO and the United States the Western allies will claim that they were actually misled by the rebels and now have no choice but to remove them from power just as they did Gadhafi. Either way the Libyan people loose and Libya will be occupied by Western forces and NATO ground troops for the foreseeable future. 

The oil revenues that Col Gadhafi used to build hospitals with, provide every Libyan health care and an education, build water ways and public housing, will be siphoned out of the country and into the hands of Europe and the United States.  The lessons of history are clear in showing us that the outcome of this war will be in favor of the interests of the occupiers and certainly not in favor of democracy and self-determination for the people of Libya.