Saturday, August 13, 2011

08/13/11 Millions in Harlem March


Waving the banner of “human rights” - the most hypocritical and deceitful of all justifications for imperialist war - my government, the United States, along with NATO have embraced this action against Libya as democracy, but are using it as a cloak for their predatory interests.

Justifications for the US-NATO bombing of Libya are thick with moral outrage against Muammar Gadhafi, but provide virtually nothing in the way of analysis of the motives and interests of the forces, within Libya and internationally, that are seeking his overthrow. NATO and the United States have stepped in in order to secure their own economic and strategic interests. As we all know during civil war humanitarian concerns are last on the list of objectives. Consequently, it is deceitful for the United States, the United Nations, NATO, France, England, Italy, and Germany, to foster armed rebellion in order to conceive civil war, so that the assassination of President Gadhafi will create regime change allowing Western allies to put a puppet government in place.

For those of you still wondering why China and Russia didn't press to veto the invasion of Libya, take a look at: China holds trillions of United States Government Treasury Bonds, the introduction of a single currency based on the value of gold aka the "African Dinar" as proposed by Col. Gadhafi, would automatically flip the balance of economic power in favor of the so-called "third world" countries where most of the world's resources are. China's trillion dollar reserves would have become mere worthless paper.

Russia believed that this would also not bode well for its long term geopolitical aspirations in the Mediterranean and on the continent itself. What does introducing a single African currency mean? In simple terms the price of African commodities would become simply unaffordable for most Western nations and you know the basic laws of economics will apply: African nations will "see" their wealth reserves hit the roof at the expense of developed countries that will, for the first time have to pay the real prices for our commodities.

Just as in other countries this war has been waged under the pretense of humanitarian intervention. But just as in Iraq and Afghanistan, military intervention by the U.S. and its allies is being done for the benefit of the rich and powerful at the expense of working and oppressed people both here and in Libya. Countless civilians have died and will continue to die as a result of these attacks. And countless dollars will be taken from over-stretched budgets and social programs to fund this imperialist aggression. The lessons of history are clear in showing us that the outcome of this war, if the United States, Britain and France have their way, will be in favor of the interests of the rich, not in favor of democracy and self-determination for the people of Libya.

Watch the Millions in Harlem March at:

1 Comment:

Ajlounyinjurylaw said...

Is this a yearly march? It's incredible when all bodies and minds come together.