Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lucious Walker

In 1992 Rev. Lucius Walker Jr., then the Executive Director of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO), formed Pastors for Peace. An annual pilgrimage of American aid volunteers to Cuba in defiance of the U.S. government's nearly half-century trade embargo. Although Rev Walker passed away on September 7, 2010, his work lives on.

Starting July 2nd, this years Caravan to Cuba gets underway. There are 14 routes this year and they will visit 130 U.S. and Canadian cities. At every stop they will educate people about the blockade and collect construction supplies and tools, medical supplies and equipment, as well as educational and cultural supplies which will be donated to our sisters and brothers in Cuba.

Pastors for Peace offers concerned U.S. citizens an opportunity to demonstrate and enact an alternative foreign policy based on justice and mutual respect. More than 50 Pastors for Peace Caravans have traveled to Mexico, Central America and Cuba - delivering life giving aid and organizing at home for a more just policy toward our neighbors.

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